Now on Winter hours – 1 Oct 24 – 1 April 25. Call to book.

safety on the river

Helpful information to keep you safe on the river

Safety on the Upton-upon-Severn

The River Severn is a great place to take to the water whether it’s your first time or you are a regular boater, but before setting out remember and keep in mind these health and safety tips;
All bookings are subject to our Full Terms and Conditions.

staying safe

staying safe around locks

mooring safely

bridges, tunnels, weirs & sluices

Protecting the environment

Boating guide pdf

boaters handbook

buoyancy aid
All passengers must wear a buoyancy aid or life-jacket when on the water!
Never jump or swim in the river – it has very strong under currents!

Boats can be unstable so take care when stepping into or out of the boat.

Passengers must be seated with arms/hands in boat when moving.

Make sure you have suitable clothing and footwear. Check out the weather forecast so you are fully prepared.
Please navigate with caution at all times observing speed restrictions, bye-laws, navigational limits/instructions, waterways instructions and the advice of British Waterways and other navigational authorities.
Always pass on the right hand side of the river and give way to laden or unladen cargo boats, rowing boats and other human propelled craft.
Wear suitable clothes and shoes (no high heels). We all know how unpredictable the great British weather can be you may even want to consider bringing a waterproof coat or umbrella just in case! If it’s a sunny day, drinking water, sunglasses, sun cream and a hat are always useful things to bring. A camera. A fully charged mobile phone in case of emergency.

Moor safely and follow regulations displayed at moorings.

Please Do Not Race Or Go Over The Speed Limits. Remember, If Your Boat Is Going With The Flow Your Speed Will Be Faster Than Indicated. The Speed limit on the river is 6 mph upstream and 4mph downstream. As A Guide, 4 Mph Is A Fast Walking Pace.
Portable heating, lighting or electrical equipment or anything that may cause danger to the boat, its occupants or equipment are not permitted on-board the boat. No barbeques to be operated on board the boat.
Please do not allow on the boat at any time more persons than the maximum number as advised at the demonstration.
All passengers are responsible for their own safety and the safety of their possessions.
It depends how many hours you book for, which boat you go in and how fast you travel, but on average if travelling at the speed limit of 5 knots/6mph.
If you are having a Guided fishing trip our guide will have all the equipment and tackle available for use, he will discuss details with you prior to the day.